IAB Fellowships, Orations and Awards

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IAB-IP Fellowships

Sr. No. IAB-IP Fellowships Details
1 IAB Fellowship in Interventional Pulmonology by Dr V R Pattabhiraman at Royal Care Hospital, Coimbatore
2 IAB Fellowship in Interventional Pulmonology by Dr Ravindra Mehta at Apollo Hospital, Bangalore
3 IAB Fellowship in Interventional Pulmonology by Dr Nagarjuna Mataru at Yashoda Hospital, Hydrabad
4 IAB Fellowship in Interventional Pulmonology by Dr Vivek Nangia at Max Hospital-Sanket, Delhi
5 IAB Fellowship in Interventional Pulmonology by Dr Ajay Ravi at KIMS Hospital, Trivandrum
6 IAB Fellowship in Interventional Pulmonology by Dr Rajesh V and Anand V at Rajagiri Hospital, Kochi
7 IAB Fellowship in Interventional Pulmonology by Dr S Santhakumar, Dr J Venugopal and Dr Deepak T H at KMCH Lung Institute, Coimbatore
8 Fellowship of Thoracic Oncology and Interventional Pulmonology by Dr Rajiv Goyal at Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, Delhi
9 IAB Fellowship in Interventional Pulmonology by Dr Deepak Talwar, at Metro Hospital, Noida

IAB Orations and Awards

Sr. No. IAB Orations and Awards
1 M. Santosham Oration
Announced by Dr. Rajan Santosham in the memory of his Father.
To be delivered by the President-elect of IAB.
2 T. R. Raghupathi Rao Oration
Announced by Dr. R. Narsimhan in the memory of his Father for Bronchoscopists in Interventional Pulmonology.
3 Arvindaben Oration
Announced by Dr. A. C. Shah in the memory of his Mother.
For women researcher in the field of Bronchoscopy and Inverventional Pulmonology.
4 Dr. S. K. Sarkar IAB Oration
Announced by Dr. S. K. Sarkar for the best published article in the IAB journal in the previous year.
5 Dr. Shirish Shah Lifetime Achievement Award.
Announced by Dr. Shirish Shah

Prizes for best Paper/Poster Presentation

Sr. No. Prizes
1 Rajgopal Rao Memorial Award for the Best Scientific Paper Presentation
2 Dr. Dheeraj Gupta Young Reasearcher Award
3 Dr. V. K. Jain Best Scientific Poster Presentation Award